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SMP v1.01

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(№) - Номер мода. (*****) -Автор и др.

1) увеличена частота появления медикаментов и еды у ai (IIIePXaH)

2) изменены названия оружия на реальные (IIIePXaH)

3) увеличен максимальный вес 120 кг (IIIePXaH)

4) Guietar Mod добавляет в игру 33 качественных гитарных композиций (подобра IIIePXaH)

5) Мод даёт возможность носить в рюкзаке все взрывоопасные предметы в игре, такие как:
Газовый балон, цестерна с топливом, канистра с бензином, топливо, ну и динамит.
Добавлена купля-продажа взрывоопасных предметов торговцам, сталкерам.
Например возле стенки свободовской базы лежит динамит или бочка, теперь вы спокойно можите его подобрать или взорвать. (IIIePXaH)

6) "Украинская озвучка военных"
Мод заменяющий русскую озвучку у военных, на украинскую Работает как с распакованными, так и запакованными архивами.
Также остались некоторые фразы на русском.

7) "Таскать мутантов" Небольшой мод, позволяющий таскать трупы не только людей, но и мутантов (IIIePXaH)

8) В зоне теперь лето (Доделал текстуры IIIePXaH)

9) Ржавая Зона теперь. Предметы теперь ржавые (Трубы, бочки, желез. двери и т.д)

10) (Hard) Теперь вы не будете "Терминатором" как раньше. Чтобы убить толпу бандитов вам прийдется сидеть в укритиях и стрелять оттуда^^ (IIIePXaH)

11) Реалистичные схемы урона сталкеров и игрока (IIIePXaH)

12) У противников кровопотеря - теперь повреждения наносимые оружием выглядят более реалистично.(IIIePXaH)

13) Другие настройки автоматического пулемета на Кордоне у военных(IIIePXaH)

14) Распределение веса надетой брони(IIIePXaH)

15) Много новых текстур предметы,костюмы...(IIIePXaH)

16) Новая кровь. И по больше :) (IIIePXaH)

17) Автомат Калашникова - Убойная сила (Ренегаты с ним бегают)^^ (IIIePXaH)

18) Нож - новые TXT и теперь KILL с первого раза (IIIePXaH)

19) Фикс времени (IIIePXaH)

20) Конфиг оружия (Ближе к Реал) (IIIePXaH)

21) Много изменений + фикс + дополнения и т.д. (IIIePXaH)

22) Изменена еда, аптечки и тд (конфиги АМК)

23) Изменён экран загрузки и убрана нервирующая дискета

24) Исправлен фонарик (луч уже и светит дальше)

25) Исправлено имя ГГ

26) Поправленые монстры и возвращены их части (Спасибо V92)

27) Вмонтированы маячки (Спасибо idler)

28) Полупрозрачный инвентарь от TIREX`а в комплекте

29) Уменьшено перекрестие прицела (Спасибо Sergey81)

30) Оружие не убирается в зонах, где раньше убиралось (Спасибо Sergey81)

31) Добавлена возможность вступления в Чистое Небо, для этого нужно поговорить с Лебедевым (Спасибо Sergey81)

32) Часы на HUD (Для обычных и широкоформатных) (Спасибо nemnogonado)

33) Meseniy(Strelok) addon

34) Pollux addon

35) Добавлен сон от dan

36) исправлено Имя ГГ при нажимании на спальник

37) исправлено отображение часов

38) Убрана индикация вражеских гранат на экране (RDOGG)

39) обновленые иконки от TIREX`а

40) исправлен недочёт с маячками

41) иконка ГГ изменена(автор неизвестен)

42) включён фикс голода(assassinDemon)

43) Патч от Бандероса для полюкса

44) Меню спальника под Общюю гамму игры

45) добавлено Описание дропа мобов(assassinDemon)

46) Уменьшен Спавн и Респавн Патрон (автор неизвестен)

47) часы перемешены под радар(dan)

48) модик от Болотного доктора

49) Заменена музыка главного меню ( С. Михайлов - Война)

50) Перевооружиние Ренегатов (Хардкор - теперь ЧН действительно без ГГ не справиться)

51) Черноречье (не полностью)

52) Добавлен в стиле камо костюм новичка(скин и иконка взят из текстурного аддона Skunk'а ,руки гг переделал , П.С. - это не новый костюм - просто переделаные тестуры)

53) Стартовый арсенал - МП-5 ,глушитель,150 патрон

54) Меню от Pollux'a

55) Добавлена Полоска выносливости от Pollux'a

56) "рюкзаки для хабара"

57) все возможные фиксы!

58) Прицеливание из пистолетов через "мушку" как в ТЧ.(Ааз)

59) Trade_mod_v1_2

60) Уменьшеные ячейки инвенторя и широкий первый слот

61) Artefactmodik

62) Артефакты от assassinDemon

63) Добавлена музика в боевых сценах начинается перестрелка и музон сразу!(как в Half Life 2)



Нифига се сборочка!


3 ага и не говори



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine



How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!!

Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.
The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families.

One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border.

Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine